I wonder, if someone can help me clarifying working arrangements between me as employer and my network partner.
I have a small company, which provides business development trainings and have many partners, who I am working with. One of my partners is registered as self employed, but SVA Zurich does not recognize my partner's work with me as self employment. They explained that as soon as she does not represent her own company to a third party company, she is only „partly“ self-employed. SVA Zurich said that many self-employers do not know about this and that it’s not correct the way we did it so far. The consequence is that the regular insurance contribution of the salary, that she would pay as a self-employer, has to be paid half by herself (as a employee) and half by the employer, which is me in this case.
Do I understand correctly, that all of my team, who work for company to deliver work to our clients need to be registered employees as opposed to independent contractors?
Many thanks